Migrating to Statamic for My New Site!

Published in Laravel on Mar 22, 2024

Wordpress is fine, but I never really had an authoring workflow for it where I could easily take documents authored in RStudio with R and/or Python using Quarto and just host them easily as articles. So recently, I decided to take an opportunity to redo my site and move off WordPress to Statamic CMS.

If you are looking for any of my old content and not finding it, please be advised that I am still in the process in migrating and I plan to have as much of my old content up again soon!

Why Statamic?

I've been getting into Laravel a lot lately, and I think it's a great, modern way to do PHP (feel free to roast me, Node.js devs). Statamic is a CMS built on Laravel, and I've been having fun with it on some work projects where we need a CMS.

Statamic offers a lot of customization in the authoring experience. In my case, using markdown to manage blog content was a no brainer since Quarto can output a document to Commonmark markdown with a folder of images... perfect for hosting on Statamic.

I also like that Statamic's "addons", which are like WordPress plugins, are installed with the 'Composer' package manager. I don't want to have to use 20 different plugins to build a basic site, but having any I do use included in the same dependency management system seems like a lifechanger in terms of security and maintenance burden.

Where are the comments?

Yeah, that's the part I need to figure out.

Anyway, I hope to be blogging a little bit more often.


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